Welcome to the incredibly informal website of Riako and whatever she likes enough to type about.
Expect the occasional bout of strong language, bluntness, and a weird sense of humor.

Unreliable update log (day/month/year)
20/05/2024: Perpetual burnout = delayed updates. The UTAU list expands; something actually meaningful related to UTAU should be appearing... soon
07/03/2024: I'd talk about the commercial-use UTAU list on the "Misc" page that I've been working on (and already needs an overhaul), but unfortunately I'm updating this more to mention the donation button (via Ko-fi) I've added to the bottom of this page. Things have gotten, uhh. bad!
06/01/2024: I had a moment and ended up updating the kawaii keychain adoptable page with haphazard sorting buttons and a few new adopts (felt cute, might add more later)
03/01/2024: ANNUAL HOUSEKEEPING (how the heck am I at 22k views)
25/03/2023: Oh no, did Riako forget about the website for a year again? She sure did!!!!!111 So instead, have some CSS tweaks
13/04/2022: Let's not think about the holidays or milestones I missed and instead get right to routine maintenance - like a little TLC to the About section
18/10/2021: I dug up an old adoptable project from times past and added it to the "worst kawaii page".
15/10/2021: Stocking the Adopted page, housekeeping, and trying to remember what else I wanted to add to the site...
27/09/2021: The main site CSS was upsetting me so I changed it and I'm fixing every page on the site to compensate (Also, 6k+ view milestone)
05?/09/2021: Seems like every time I tell myself that I'll do some stuff on this website, I end up distracted with something else. Well, for now I'm poking away at it! (Also, 5k+ page view milestone)
21/06/2021: Okay, that was a record length stretch of nothing, but I'm starting some proper layout work on the "worst kawaii page" now. (Also, 4k+ page view milestone, geez!)
14/02/2021: More or less redid the ParaMania page. (Also, 3k+ page view milestone)
02/01/2021: Roughly two weeks of being distracted by Animal Crossing later, and somehow this website now has the bare minimum to be considered a Websiteâ„¢! Happy 2021, by the way
20/12/2020: Finally getting back to this website, it's a Christmas miracle! Expect a lot of "updates" as I make the layout less annoying to copy-paste to new pages. (Also, 2k views at some point between mid-October and now)
19/10/2020: Oof, StepMania consumed my life again.
02/09/2020: Now that my self-imposed deadline for the ParaMania stuff is out of the way, I can work on other things a bit more, like this website... I'm not doing a very good job at this
28/08/2020: Oh dear. 1k views already. I'm not quite sure how that happened, but thanks anyways.
I'm not really doing that good of a job of adding all the stuff I want to here 'cause I'm busy with other things, but at the very least I think I have a few ideas in mind for a site identity that isn't just "The web site of riako". We'll see. : )

The header is loaded through JavaScript, so in case it doesn't load; here's the various sections of the site.

About this website (and me, I guess), feat. my genuinely pathetic musical portfolio.

A page about (mostly incomplete) things I've made in StepMania!

A miscellaneous conglomeration of... stuff. Yes.

The Links page, to trawl elsewhere on the Interblag.

Hey, I'm Liz, and I'm a personal trainer! It's time to Walk It Out and get fit to over 100 of your favorite songs! You can get in shape using your Wii Remote and Nunchuk, your Wii Balance Board, and even your DanceDanceRevolution controller! That's right - I'm talking to you, dad! Lookin' good! C'mon, kids! Great work, keep it up! And don't forget, Walk It Out is filled with minigames, and a unique world you create and explore! So if you aren't breaking a sweat just yet - you will be!

Other places you might be able to find me

My incredibly outdated Soundcloud!

Artbreeder is less useful now since anything based on Stable Diffusion can be run locally, but this is my profile on that website anyway.

PicMix... oh dear

And, of course, on Neocities. (Help me overcome my social anxiety)

Buy Me a Coffee at ko-fi.com