EKS-D ParaMania is a theme for StepMania 5.3, made in collaboration with western paralist group EKS-D ParaPara. Some quick bullet points:
- Still a work in progress! If you're alright with lack of polish, unfinished/missing features, and particularly bad 4:3 aspect ratio display, read on...
- All about the "PARA" game mode (no way!?)! Not a direct ParaParaParadise emulation, but a lot of things are changed (timing windows, scoring...) to be a bit closer to PPP
- I mean... Either you're into this kind of thing or you're not. This actually spans more things than just a theme so if you need more info, I'd suggest hopping over to the more comprehensive page on EKS-D ParaPara's website (linked near the bottom of the page)