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MDS (Magic Dance System)

Current version: Alpha release 1 (19 October 2020)
Page last updated: 19/10/2020

MDS (Magic Dance System) is a theme for StepMania 5.1 and StepMania 5.3. Basically, here's the main things you need to know about it:

Default wheel style or fancy laggy jacket wheel style, your pick
Get slightly less lost in the options menu than before
🌈 customization 🌈
Try not to go crazy
Play like a pro (pictured: not a Pro Play)
A winner is you

Generally, everything within the scope of Event Mode (non-arcade style play) works well enough right now.
This was designed mainly in 16:9 1024x576; smaller resolutions may be difficult to read, and 4:3 aspect ratio in particular looks bad.
It hasn't been tested on any non-Windows operating systems, so if you use Linux or macOS, keep that in mind. (I particularly suspect other OSes might break the "mouse controls".)


Theme: Google Drive

Matching noteskins: Google Drive