Stuff that doesn't seem to fit anywhere else.
Below this block are more subjects not long enough for their own page (yet).
At last, an overlap between "old internet" and "hobbyist pixel art"! Okay, so it's not a specific type of pixel art I do very often, but it's still worth bringing up.
"Dollz" were apparently a HUGE thing when I was a bab... y'know, when I vehemently rejected anything "girly". (AHEM) So, I think I caught the tail end of all that when I was a newly-depressed young teen.
And then The Doll Palace went down. (panic)
And then the Doll Maker Script that most of the dollz websites used went down. (PANIC)
But it's fine! We still have some old-school websites around, along with some sweet pixelling skills, right?
Since finding Catz 5 at a T.K. Maxx, tiny child me (like, 7-8 years old, no joke) was super ultra into the pre-Ubisoft Petz games - where cats and dogs were rendered in balls and lines, able to run on even low end PCs in 1998. I didn't know how to make anything
impressive and my "website" was never actually uploaded, but I sure did love those digital kitties - even after the disaster early on where a massive chunk of 50+ cats ran away, and even my favorite cat was left shaken up (or, you know, I just legitimately didn't know how to play a game for children). I'm not sure when I eventually got Catz 4 (and Dogz 4), but it's been lingering on my computers since.
But... I was never really an active member of the community, and my scattered attempts to get back into the game (and the community) eventually deflated and crashed every. single. time. I eventually learned to hex edit pet files to a fairly decent degree, but is it really... you know... enough?
Despite these consistent difficulties and my current inactivity with the games, they're just too important to little me to ignore forever; I'll have to make a page on Petz at some point, whatever purpose it may serve. Until then, I'll leave some important (to me) links related to the game and its community - and maybe you can try it yourself, who knows!
Much like Petz, this is another very old game/series that I've been on and off with. I don't have quite the same emotional sort of attachment to Creatures as I do to Petz, and I might not have actually understood Creatures 3 when I first had it physically (I think the disc was thrown away), but it's still pretty nostalgic despite all the ways the titular Creatures can DIE HORRIBLY
I'll probably rewrite this to explain it better when I'm less tired, but I do remember making a handful of lame "genetic breeds" that I don't 100% have the courage to revisit yet. Most of the Creatures series' longetivity comes from Almost Infinite modding possibilities - a huge plus ever since the publishers of Dance:UK bought the rights to the series and sabotaged any sort of proper new game/reboot
UTAU is the very old freeware* Vocaloid-alike users make their own voicebanks for. It... does the job, especially if you don't have access to anything fancier. I have yet to successfully complete a song using a UTAU voice, but maybe this'll change since OpenUTAU is actually usable compared to the original software.
There's supposed to be a big list of commercial use-friendly UTAU voicebanks here, but it's down for now while I work on a more aesthetically pleasing alternative - and while I figure out what to do with the thingy below...
I'm throwing a monopitch CV voicebank out into the wild as-is, while I pull myself out of a slump and work on a better way to display all these UTAU names and links. Basically, it is my first attempt at making an UTAU bank, and it is still an early version - so don't expect much.
Nikkushi aka Nixie here is voiced by a Youtaite named Akaila. It's a warm, low-intensity female voice, suitable for pop and dance genres of all sorts. The .oto configuration provides an old Vocalo-style sound, with clear syllable utterances but harsh transitions.
In keeping with the theme of the list above, Nixie's voice and likeness is generally okay for commercial use for individuals and indie groups - with fairly standard usage rules to follow. There's a bit more on all that in the included readme file, which also contains some ever so slightly snarky lore.
Despite how long it took me to get around to making this public, there is no dedicated page or demo available. Please bear with me for a little while longer. You can, however, download the voicebank in the meantime:
MEGA | BowlRoll mirror eventually
The following touches on commercial (non-freeware) software outside of UTAU, so it's probably not useful for 90% of visitors - but I felt the need to add a section like this anyway.
Most commercial voice synthesis software and voicebanks allow for commercial or otherwise monetized usage of the voices in music, with permission only usually being needed for using the likeness of the voicebanks' characters on the album art or in a music video or something. There are a very, very small amount of commercial voicebanks who do not need prior permission to use their respective characters in monetized works.
This does not include voicebanks that do not have an official character design attached to them, for... obvious reasons. I can't help you if you want to use someone's fanmade design for VY1/VY2, one of the default "Silhouette Series" VOCALOID 6 voicebanks with weirdly visible mouths in their illustrations, one of the countless Synthesizer V voicebanks with just a letter on the illustration to identify it... etc etc