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During 2017 and 2018, I studied music production. Since then, I've published virtually no content - but I still made this page to keep track of what I have made.

Things I appear in

Touhou Euroheroes Vol. 3
Touhou Euroheroes Vol. 2
Super Euroheroes Vol. 4
Simply Love (StepMania 5)

Galaxian Recordings' Touhou Euroheroes Vol. 3 (released 29/04/2024)
Album on Bandcamp

The album preview isn't even uploaded yet so I have to wait until then to make further comments

Galaxian Recordings' Touhou Euroheroes Vol. 2 (released 31/12/2022)
Album on Booth
Album on Bandcamp

I committed a crime against my own moral compass, and remixed a Touhou Project song for a compilation - with Vocaloid vocals, no less! I loosely based the remix's concept on the Rensenware "virus" (IMO the most amusing thing that's ever come out of the 2hu fandom), and turned it into italodisco - a genre that I think is adjacent to eurobeat enough to get away with it. I quickly finished the song's lyrics within 3 days, and it shows 😶

Galaxian Recordings' Super Euroheroes Vol. 4 (released 29/04/2022)
Album on Bandcamp

I semi-impulsively made a remix of a song from a previous "Super Euroheroes" album. Despite the remix not even being eurobeat, they eventually decided to include it on this album as a bonus track anyway!

The SM5 version of the Simply Love theme (in a patch released on 09/07/2018, and again on 18/05/2019)
GitHub link

Even in the other site sections, the StepMania still bleeds in, eh? Anyway, I made remixes for the BGMs of the "Simply Ducks" and "Simply Stars" visual styles (sub-themes, essentially). "Simply Ducks" has a chiptune remix of "Xuxa" from the first In The Groove game - "Simply Stars" has a faux chiptune remix of "Shooting Star" by Bang!.

I vaguely remember the 20th of November being involved somehow as well...